The U.S. Naval Research Laboratory (NRL), in partnership with NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Center (MSFC), has developed ...
"The gamma-ray burst traveled through intergalactic space at the speed of light for eleven billion years, during which time the Sun and the planets were born." — Timothy Ferris, in the film ...
At the start of the year, the European Commission established the Cherenkov Telescope Array Observatory (CTAO) as a European Research Infrastructure Consortium (ERIC), furthering its mission to become ...
ESA’s Integral observed space for 22 years, uncovering gamma-ray bursts, black holes, and gravitational waves.
Gamma rays originate from a variety of sources in both the Marvel Universe and the real world. Primary among non-fictional cosmic gamma-ray sources, are supernovas, neutron stars, and gamma-ray ...
WEST LAFAYETTE, Ind. -- An international team of astronomers has observed extremely rapid bursts of high-energy gamma rays from a distant galaxy, an observation that is challenging how astronomers ...
This database offers a variety of tables for all natural elements and includes the following data: isotopic composition, thermal radiative cross section (total and partial), Westcott g-factors, energy ...
It does this by emitting a high energy electromagnetic wave called a gamma ray. Gamma radiation does not consist of particles but as short wavelength, high energy electromagnetic radiation emitted ...