在科研界,丑闻从来就不是稀罕事,特别是在名校实验室,尔虞我诈的斗争频频上演。最近,哈佛大学医学院内的一场惊心动魄的争斗令人震惊,涉及谎言、权力和学术不端。实验室内的一位正直博士后小白因为揭露同事的论文造假行为,竟然被老板盖上了“精神病患者”的标签,这究竟是怎么回事? 我们把时光倒流回2018年,那时,哈佛医学院实验室的高管George Q. Daley以及员工Clara Soria-Valles的 ...
George Michael’s life itself — coming out as gay in the 1990s and confronting head-on potentially embarrassing aspects of his personal life that became headline fodder for the tabloids ...
After a short illness, George V died on 20 January 1936. The following day, British Pathé described him as “more than a King, a father of a great family”. George had steered the country through the ...