Let’s discover the top animals that call the Great Basin National Park home, each playing an essential role in the environment. Desert Bighorn sheep. Image via depositphotos. Great Basin National Park ...
John J. Miller is joined by Spencer Klavan to discuss the letters of Epicurus. National Review’s national correspondent and professor at Hillsdale College, John J. Miller, discusses classic ...
it looks like the 1930s - 1940s. This is the Lehman Caves Visitor Center and all these cars are parked while their occupants take a tour of Lehman Caves, the longest cave system in the state of Nevada ...
Now, scientists have been treated to front row seats of evolution unfolding in real time, as two similar lizard species encounter each other for the first time and quickly adapt to fill different ...
Colorado’s eight collared wolves in the wild spread out in the northern and northwestern parts of the state in December, according to a monthly tracking map released by Colorado Parks and Wildlife.
The social part of the brain is in constant contact with the emotional center of the brain, according to scientists at Northwestern University. The new findings confirm what many have long thought ...
Collared lizards are noted predators of other lizards and probably prey upon six-lined racerunners where the two species co-occur. Box turtles also prey upon racerunners by excavating into the ...
"All the details of the skull, the jaws, the teeth, and the limb bones confirm that Cryptovaranoides is a lizard, not an archosauromorph," says Benton. "In our new paper, we provide great detail of ...
However, the virus’ threat to other species is limited. "This is something that primarily affects collared doves and pigeons," explained wildlife officer Jordon DePriest in a statement from CPW.
Texas earless lizard, Cophosaurus texanus, 3–5 cm (SV). • *Collared lizard, Crotophytus collaris, 6–8 cm (SV) Checkered whiptail, Aspidoscelis tesselata, ~8 cm (SV) – a parthenoform. • *Little striped ...