So, ahead of next week’s review, consider this a space for me to work out exactly where Samsung stands in this industry, ...
An HTC headset designed to work in space is offsetting the physical and psychological challenges of humans living off-world.
An HTC headset designed to work in microgravity is offsetting the physical and psychological challenges of humans living off-world.
年龄稍大点的小伙伴应该都用过,或者至少听说过 HTC 吧?曾经能与苹果、三星平起平坐的科技大厂。 HTC,这个曾经在全球智能手机市场占据举足轻重地位的品牌,几乎成了智能手机历史上一个典型的“从高峰到低谷”的故事。