All was fine among the three of them until the woman reached out and grabbed her man's hand. This immediately got the dog up. She made her way to the couch and positioned herself between the couple.
Not only all are loved, all receive a special gift. Ever since the hospital opened its doors 15 years ago, parents have received a hand-knitted hat for their bundle of joy. “It’s just such a special ...
If you're looking for a quick knitting project to work on this winter, why not make it a knitted snood? Crafters across the world have been taking to social media to share their knitted snood projects ...
While you’re bundling up in your favorite sweaters to brave the cold, don’t forget to invest in some dog sweaters to keep your pup warm too. Dog sweaters can add some extra warmth so your pet ...
Jess added: “Dora is such a friendly, sweet-natured dog but many people don’t see that because they can’t see past her ears. “Another benefit of her rain coat and her knitted snood is that ...