While it may seem that the incidence of foodborne illnesses increases year to year, the reality is people have been getting sick from foodborne illnesses since the beginning of time. Indeed, many food ...
With an emphasis on object-based learning, interdisciplinary study and rigorous critical thought, our History of Art BA encourages you to see the world differently. This degree will develop your ...
In Solidarity with Black Lives Matter The Department of Art & Art History at the University of Colorado Boulder stands in solidarity with Black Americans and the Black Lives Matter movement. Read our ...
The members of the Department of History and Art History use their knowledge of the past to better understand the challenges facing today's society. The future of Europe, the threat of terrorism, ...
Welcome to the Department of History of Art and Architecture, located in the heart of Dublin, surrounded by the national and city museums and galleries, on a campus renowned for its outstanding ...
Bologna said she hopes residents and customers will connect through the shared space, which also includes affordable housing units, a food pantry, and an art studio. Bologna: I couldn’t ...
And, of course, other factors, such as wealth and status played a role in what people ate, too. While it’s impossible to cover the entire history of food in Britain, below are some highlights, ...
All for the lighthearted jokes on a serious day. The 47th President, Donald J. Trump, and his Vice President, J.D. Vance, have been officially sworn into office. Today, the nation’s leaders gathered ...
If farmers say that they will not produce grains, from where a man could get his food?, he asked and underlined that ryots and farming must be supported. In this regard, he cited the Regenerative ...
These traps weren’t anything technical – the group dug holes and placed plastic cups in them to make pitfalls and filled the cups with cat food. And it seems cat food is on the menu for Mount ...