A million years ago, a species known as Homo erectus most likely survived in an arid desert with no trees. By Carl Zimmer ...
Homo erectus outlived and outadapted other hominins by mastering life in extreme environments of Eastern Africa, a new study ...
Somehow, H. erectus was able to adjust to this new landscape. The early humans visited water holes that popped up after it ...
Researchers discovered that Homo erectus adapted to hyperarid conditions in Tanzania one million years ago, challenging ...
Explore the remarkable survival strategies of Homo erectus in extreme desert conditions. Discover how they thrived in harsh ...
Recent research has revealed that early human ancestors, specifically Homo erectus, thrived in extreme desert conditions over ...
researchers investigated when Homo erectus, an extinct species of archaic humans, adapted to hyperarid regions in Tanzania. By reconstructing the environment of that time, which was dominated by ...
New evidence reveals that Homo erectus could survive in extreme environments like deserts over 1.2 million years ago, challenging the notion that only Homo sapiens were so adaptable. Credit: ...
New research suggests Homo erectus was able to survive—and even thrive—after its home in East Africa shriveled up and became a dry, barren landscape. H. erectus is a now-extinct species of ...