In a pivotal discovery, SEBI unearthed WhatsApp chats where a front-runner wished “Jack Latest” (a pseudonym used by Parekh) a happy birthday, aligning with Parekh’s PAN card records.
A drone helped the Santa Fe County Fire Department locate a hiker who got lost in the hills north of Lamy earlier this week. The Monday evening incident marked the department's first successful ...
Authorities are calling it a holiday miracle. A 78-year-old man with dementia who went missing two days before Christmas in Malibu was found within hours with the help of drones equipped with ...
Authorities located more human remains Thursday after conducting a search along the Palos Verdes Peninsula, where a human leg washed on shore a day before. During the search of the shoreline ...
Google is rolling out significant changes to its Maps Timeline feature, which tracks your location history. As part of this update, you will soon receive notifications that your Timeline data will ...
The International Mobile Equipment Identity (IMEI) number is a unique 15-digit identifier number assigned to phones running on a GSM network. If your device is lost or stolen, you can use its IMEI ...
Google is rolling out significant changes to its Maps Timeline feature, which tracks your location history. As part of this update, you will soon receive notifications that your Timeline data will be ...
Authorities have located a 15-year-old girl who was the subject of an Amber alert Thursday after she was reported missing, authorities said Monday evening. The Harris County Sheriff’s Office ...