2月24日根据国际知名科技媒体DroneXL 报道,波音公司正计划出售旗下无人机子公司insitu,通过剥离非核心资产,让公司发展重心重新聚焦于商用和国防领域。
GeoGate is an open source project that provides a generic way to interact with the existing earth system models and applications coupled using ESMF/NUOPC library.
A young couple approached Sahiba Madan, principal architect, Insitu Design Studio to give their family home in Mumbai a ...
You will soon be able to video-chat from anywhere in the world thanks to satellite-based cellular networks. While FaceTiming grandma from the backcountry will win you kudos, this new space technology ...
The European Environment Agency is the agency of the European Union that provides independent information on the environment.
There were 146 properties sold in Tasmania last week, with 300 new listings in the region. See the latest auction and sales results. A five-bedroom house in Relbia was the most expensive sale reported ...
Christie's Paris have uploaded their aforementioned Dessins Anciens et du XIXe siècle sale online. The auction will take ...
The Rijksmuseum in Amsterdam has displayed a still life by Maria Van Oosterwijck in the Gallery of Honour this week. The work ...