Look for Disable Internet Explorer 11 as a standalone browser. Double-click on it, select Enabled, and to configure how to notify users about this action, select one of the following options ...
In fact, Microsoft is phasing out Internet Explorer support altogether, which is a final nail in the coffin for the Trident based browser. If you are like me, and still actually have apps that ...
Even though Edge is a web browser, like Google Chrome and the latest Firefox release, it does not support NPAPI plug-ins needed to run applications like Topaz Elements. The Edge icon, a blue letter "e ...
Earlier this month, we talked about the launch of Microsoft's first web browser, Internet Explorer 1.0, back in 1995. It was a pretty bare-bones browser, but Microsoft quickly updated it with a 2. ...
Running Microsoft Edge browser and Internet Explorer side-by-side makes little sense. If you rarely use the Internet Explorer browser, a better option would be to uninstall or turn off the browser ...
A report released by Adobe Digital Index (ADI) analyzing the market share of web browsers has shown Google's freeware is up 6 percent year-over-year, trouncing Internet Explorer - once a lone ...
One of the most important web browsers in the history of the Internet will soon be no more. Microsoft announced Wednesday that it has “retired” the Internet ...
The creator of Internet Explorer, Thomas Reardon, is said to have used source code from Spyglass Mosaic, a licensed version of NCSA's Mosaic browser. Despite being derived from NCSA's Mosaic ...
There was once an old joke among Windows users: "Internet Explorer is the best browser to download a better browser with." In other words, Internet Explorer — Microsoft's old flagship internet ...