Before they hit the stage every night, Irish siblings Anna Mai and Fergus Fitzpatrick have a special ritual they share: A hug ...
This dance session focuses on some of the main characteristics of traditional Irish dancing: posture - upright with straight back, arms down by the sides; footwork - light, energetic steps ...
Irish Americans using Irish traditional dance to interpret country music by a Black American superstar? Sounds about right, really. Black History Month is ending and St. Patrick's Day is just ...
People learn to dance at an Irish Ceili Dancing series class Tuesday at the Wenatchee Valley Museum and Cultural Center. The ...
Riverdance 30 - The New Generation is not only bringing new choreography to the show, but it is also introducing a new ...
Fresh off of a month-long tour of Japan, the Chicago-based Trinity Irish Dance Company (TIDC) is bringing its renowned legacy ...
Greek dance Pupils explore simple steps from traditional Greek dances - in particular the Greek circle dance called the Khastorias. 3. Irish dance. audio3. Irish dance Includes simple dance steps ...