Khanmigo, created by Khan Academy founder Sal Khan, was designed to help students learn and teachers teach. Khan, whose lectures and educational software have been used for years by tens of ...
Sal Khan, perhaps the best-known teacher in the ... Plus what's next for the learning platform he founded ten years ago, online and IRL. We'll be in your inbox every morning Monday-Saturday ...
Take a first-hand look at what life is like for a Utah Navajo family who lives offline, and hear why Khan Academy founder Sal Khan believes that internet access should be considered a basic right.
This small act of kindness turned into the Khan Academy, a company that offers educational videos for people all over the world. Khan is one of Silicon Valley's biggest stars, and Bill Gates ...
This small act of kindness turned into the Khan Academy, a company that offers educational videos for people all over the world. Khan is one of Silicon Valley's biggest stars, and Bill Gates ...