The Adani scion humorously requested Mittal to remove his profile from the matrimonial website, a prank his school friends had played years ago. During his Shark Tank India appearance, Jeet Adani ...
PANJIM: It is 38 years since Konkani was declared as the official language of Goa. What have the successive Congress, PDF and BJP governments and people done to preserve and protect the language. On ...
Mangaluru, Feb 3: The Konkani Natak Sabha (KNS) celebrated the feast of its patron saint, St Don Bosco, at Don Bosco Hall on January 31. The day's events began with a thanksgiving Eucharistic Mass at ...
Mangaluru, Jan 28: Konkani Lekhak Sangh Karnataka, a voluntary association, was exclusively formed with the sole intention of promoting Konkani language and literature in the year 2018. From the year ...