GONE are the days when gaming was seen as a niche, nerdy pastime—well, it’s still nerdy but with more than 2.8 billion gamers worldwide, gaming has certainly become a mainstream hobby spanning all ...
LG 计划在今年晚些时候推出有史以来最亮的 OLED 屏幕。 新的内部结构使第四代面板的最高亮度达到 4000 尼特,比上一代高出约 30%。新显示屏还将色彩亮度提高了 40%,从 1500 尼特提高到 2100 尼特。 这些改进归功于 LG 更新的主 RGB 串联结构,该结构已从三层堆叠发展为四层堆叠,在红色和绿色像素层之间夹入了两层蓝色像素。去年,该公司提议使用串联系统来提高抗烧毁能力,这是 ...
IN 2015, smartphones broke new ground. Apple introduced the legendary iPhone 6s with its groundbreaking 3D Touch. Sony stunned the world with the first-ever 4K display on the Xperia Z5 Premium, while ...
LG公司近期宣布,其研发的第四代OLED电视面板取得了突破性进展,不仅在亮度上实现了显著提升,还优化了能效表现。据透露,这款新面板的最大亮度首次超过了4000尼特,为观众带来了前所未有的视觉盛宴。 LG此次的创新之处在于采用了Primary RGB ...