Thinking that there were kittens stuck in the drain, she went to take a closer look — and saw instead three juvenile civets. They had been stuck there almost the entire day, according to the helper.
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In 2003, researchers isolated close matches of the virus that causes severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) in several civets and a raccoon dog at a live-animal market in Guangdong, China.
Wanting some fresh air, a resident opened the door to his unit. The Stomper was pleasantly surprised to see a Common Palm Civet and shared a video of the sighting in the vicinity of Block 90 ...
Researchers learned that fishing boats were also used to carry bear paws and bile, live civets, wild boar tusks and meat, pangolins, monitor lizards and turtles. One person told researchers the ...
Commercial fishing fleets have been playing a key role in trafficking parts of tigers poached in Malaysia, according to research released Wednesday that could help enforcement efforts to save the ...