Wheat fields will be firming up across Ohio and spring top-dressing with nitrogen fertilizer will soon start in the most ...
The danger of pit fires or explosions is highest during pumping and agitation. Manure in liquid pits decomposes slowly, creating methane and hydrogen sulfide gasses. Each of these gasses has the ...
Rescue attempts made in and around livestock confinement facilities and liquid manure storage areas should be undertaken with extreme caution. Full respiratory protection, in the form of ...
The facility has an existing design capacity of 4,200 swine weighing more than 55 pounds housed in four deep pit finishing barns. An estimated 2 million gallons of liquid swine manure would be ...
The facility has an existing design capacity of 4,200 swine weighing more than 55 pounds housed in four deep pit finishing barns. An estimated 2 million gallons of liquid swine manure would be ...