./llama-imatrix \ -m model.gguf -f some-text.txt [-o imatrix.dat] [--process-output] [--verbosity 1] \ [--no-ppl] [--chunk 123] [--output-frequency 10] [--save ...
As video games progressed and technology grew around them, the “realistic look” of video games grew with it. As such, many games look incredible today, and 2024 has had even more realistic ...
Our team of experienced reviewers has researched and tested a lot of options to find the most realistic gas fireplace. Authentic looking is not the only factor we focus on while testing, but also ...
Magic, fairies, sci-fi, and mythology all offer a fun escape, but sometimes the world around us can be as magical and dramatic as the best imagined one. Kids love seeing themselves in relatable ...