撰文 | 冉茂双 责编 | 周叶斌MYCN的异常表达与多种人类癌症的肿瘤发生密切相关,其中MYCN扩增是高危神经母细胞瘤 (NB) 的主要遗传驱动因素,也是临床上最强的独立不良预后因素。MYCN基因编码致癌转录因子N-Myc在正常神经前体细胞中泛素化 ...
为探究胰腺癌(PDAC)表型异质性的遗传机制,研究人员开展 MYC ecDNA 研究,发现其促进肿瘤异质性和可塑性,意义重大。 胰腺癌(Pancreatic Ductal Adenocarcinoma,PDAC)作为一种恶性程度极高的消化系统肿瘤,其预后极差,5 年生存率仅约 10%。在胰腺癌的发生发展过程中,MYC 基因的异常扩增与肿瘤的侵袭性和不良预后密切相关。MYC ...
Researchers sought to evaluate differences in ctDNA profiles, use of targeted treatments, and overall survival between Black and White patients with metastatic breast cancer.
This review highlights the critical role of ubiquitin-specific proteases (USPs) in regulating programmed cell death (PCD) in breast cancer (BC). As the most prevalent malignant tumor among women, BC ...
1Department of Oncological Sciences, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, New York, New York. 6Bioinformatics for Next Generation Sequencing Shared Resource Facility, Tisch Cancer Institute, Icahn ...
MANILA – The Philippine Economic Zone Authority (Peza) has approved P52.93 billion worth of investment pledges in the first two months of the year. PEZA reported Tuesday that its investment ...
Figure 8: Regulation of ALDH3A1 and NECTIN4 by p53. Researchers Jessica J. Miciak, Lucy Petrova, Rhythm Sajwan, Aditya Pandya, Mikayla Deckard, Andrew J. Munoz, and Fred Bunz from the Sidney ...
Ubiquitin-specific protease 7 (USP7) is involved in DNA repair and cell cycle progression and, due to its control over the ubiquitination of key proteins, may impact oncogenes like MDM2 and c-Myc, as ...
5Department of Microbiology, Immunology and Tropical Medicine, The George Washington University Cancer Center, The George Washington University School of Medicine and Health Sciences, Washington, ...
Within glutamine metabolism, mTORC1 activation by α-KG establishes a positive feedback loop that enhances GLUD1 and MYC-GLS expression to promote glutamine utilization. Glucose-6P, glucose 6-phosphate ...