Some, however, don’t take the step to microchip their dog and provide an additional level of protection. Microchips, which are no larger than a grain of rice, are enclosed in a glass capsule.
The court’s decision Wednesday comes the same week that China said it is investigating the the microchip company over suspected violations of Chinese anti-monopoly laws. The justices heard ...
The boss of one of the UK's leading microchip firms is calling for the government to invest "hundreds of millions" in the sector. Millions of products from cars to washing machines and mobiles ...
具有关断、错误输出和 VREF 旁路功能的 TC1073 50mA 和 100mA CMOS LDO 的典型应用。 TC1073 是旧型(双极)低压差稳压器的高精度(通常为 ±0.5%)CMOS 升级版。该器件专为电池供电系统而设计,其 CMOS 结构消除了浪费的接地电流,从而显着延长了电池寿命。满负载时总 ...