ABC's "Modern Family" first aired in 2009. The popular family sitcom ended in April 2020 after 250 episodes and 11 seasons. Here's what the cast has been up to in the 16 years since "Modern Family ...
On Monday 30 December Hugo Sotil passed away. Born in Ica in Peru on 18 May 1946, 'Cholo' as he was known, was considered one of the best South American players of his generation, and was a firm ...
The news comes from Peru and has filled Barcelona fans with dismay. Hugo Cholo Sotil, the Peruvian player who amazed the world in Johan Cruyff's first season at Barça, has passed away.
Furthermore, his speed and good ball control make him a modern defender, perfect for a team that aims to defend high and press the opponent, traits that fit seamlessly into Cholo's style.
From the get-go, De Los reporter paints — sorry! — Escoto as a modern day Mad Hatter-like character whose art captures a version of Los Angeles that exists in a “florescent realm of mischief ...
Yet, Salzburg is also a city of contrasts. Modern architecture has made its mark, blending harmoniously with its historic backdrop. Modern projects like Stadt Park Lehen and Paracelsus Bad ...
While Saint Nicholas's transformation from a 4th-century Turkish bishop to today's global gift-giver spans centuries, the modern Santa Claus emerged from a perfect storm of industrialization ...