The company’s net foreign exchange losses, a recurring feature since the Central Bank of Nigeria unified the foreign exchange market, increased by 24.98% to N925.36 billion from N740.43 billion in ...
Due to the large FX exposure, the forex losses went from N740 billion in 2023 to N925 billion in 2024. The PUNCH reports that increased demand for data and internet services drove MTN revenue up from ...
This loss occurred despite an increase in the company’s revenue from N2.468 trillion in 2023 to N3.358 trillion in 2024. The financial statement covers the 2024 fiscal year. A review of MTN ...
大年初四,正是群众出游热情高涨的时候。绥阳紫园连日来举办了丰富多彩的新春民俗活动,独特的非遗文化吸引了众多群众前来围观,现场热闹非凡。 当夜幕降临,华灯初上,绥阳紫园欢乐海岸像一片璀璨的灯海,一眼望去,火红的灯笼在树上摇曳,人们穿梭 ...
Something strange is going on in town... the locals have reported several monster sightings. Now, it's up to detectives Homey and Iggy to solve the case... of the Beastman!