On December 23, the Punjab police arrested Ram Saroop, 47, also known as Sodhi, for allegedly killing Maninder in Kirtarpur Sahib area, Rupnagar. Later, the police learnt during interrogation ...
He expressed immense pride in the supreme sacrifice made by Guru Gobind Singh Ji’s Sahibzadas (sons), who gave their lives in service to society and religion.The Chief Minister visited Nada ...
Saini visited Nada Sahib Gurudwara to pay tribute on the occasion of Guru Gobind Singh’s 358th Prakash Utsav. He bowed in reverence before Guru Granth Sahib and participated in the Akhand Path.
Panchkula (Haryana), Jan 06 (ANI): Haryana Chief Minister Nayab Saini paid tribute to the 10th Sikh Guru Gobind Singh on his birth anniversary at Gurudwara Nada Sahib in Panchkula on January 06.
Eighty-four Hindu pilgrims from India arrived in Pakistan via the Wagah Border to celebrate the 316th birth anniversary of Shiv Avtari Satguru Sant Shadaram Sahib at a shrine in Sindh. The ...
A 62-year-old woman lost a gold earring, weighing approximately 4 gm during the nagar kirtan procession held at Gurudwara Nada Sahib on Saturday. According to the complaint, Swarn Kaur ...
G uru Nanak Khalsa College, Matunga, has taken a significant step toward affordable healthcare by establishing the Chaar Sahib Zade MRI & CT Scan Centre. This state-of-the-art facility aims to ...