Added to that, there’s the climate and geography of the country. Welcome to dry, dusty desert land. Then there are the extremes of temperature. In Amman, Jordan’s capital, temperatures drop to 4 ...
Process to adopt a child internationally and bring them back to Canada.
Penrose was born eleven years after Ramanujan died. But Ramanujan had his divine Muse — Namagiri Thayaar — which is essentially integrated inside the self — within. Coming from a Christian ...
Srinivasa Ramanujan, a mathematical prodigy born in 1887, saw mathematics as a path to God. He attributed his intuitive discoveries, particularly in infinite series, to divine inspiration received ...
Ramanujan, a self-taught genius, redefined mathematics by conceiving pi as an elegant fraction and solving ancient puzzles like partitions. His breakthroughs, inspired by dreams of the goddess ...
H. Hardy), Isaac Allen (Alfred Billington), Renuka Chintapalli (Goddess Namagiri), Charli Foreman (Pierre de Fermat)Photo/ Rebecca Tyson I hope you and Amma are doing well. I am staying warm and ...