Neural implants contain integrated circuits (ICs) — commonly called chips — built on silicon. These implants need to be small and flexible to mimic circumstances inside the human body.
Depth degradation is a problem biologists know all too well: The deeper you look into a sample, the fuzzier the image becomes. A worm embryo or a piece of tissue may only be tens of microns thick, but ...
AONDevices, Inc. is a leader in super-low-power, high-accuracy edge AI solutions, redefining always-on, battery-operated devices. With cutting-edge chip architecture, lightweight neural networks, and ...
Yuan Lu, Cofounder and President of AIZIP, commented: "Our goal is to simplify edge AI implementation for next-generation smart edge devices by combining our sensor fusion applications with Ceva's ...
"The launch of Aarki Labs in India is a transformative step in our mission to revolutionize AI-powered advertising solutions," said Aman Sareen, CEO of Aarki. "India's rich talent ...
The platform builds upon Synaptics’ foundation in neural networks, field-hardened AI hardware and compiler design expertise for the IoT, and refined, in-house support of a broad base of modalities.