【中国,广州,2025年2月26日】在智能制造和工业互联网的发展浪潮中,第二届开放原子大赛“基于OPC UA Web ...
由开放原子开源基金会主办,华为技术有限公司等联合主办,OPC 基金会、和利时科技集团有限公司协办的第二届开放原子大赛“基于 OPC UA Web API 技术标准应用与开发赛”决赛路演及颁奖在广州圆满落幕。 图扑软件的创新项目也在本次大赛中荣膺二等奖。
智能制造需要数据互通和信息融合,OPC UA是目前业界广泛采用的事实标准,基于OPC UA Web API的工业物联网平台与应用的开发将更广泛地促进工业现场 ...
OPC UA is a framework for industrial interoperability based on data models that provide a syntactical definition of information that can be communicated with virtually any communication methods, ...
OPC UA including APL, TSN, and 5G for the field: The Field Level Communications initiative reaches a major milestone. Figure 1. FLC initiative developing extensions to the OPC UA framework for field ...
The significance of OPC UA, within each cloud vendor’s structure, has developed to become a core and critical enabler for manufacturing and process solution delivery within these companies. By ...