What should his name be? This baby orangutan was expected next month, but he came a little earlier than expected at the ...
Let’s do the same with palm oil and orangutans. You don’t need me to recite facts and list endless depressing research here. The truth is that every year, there is less and less forest in ...
The Orangutan Project A baby orangutan has been rescued and is “on the road to recovery” after he was kept in a “tiny cage" amid “unthinkable” conditions for six months. In an Instagram ...
The Indianapolis Zoo welcomed a male baby orangutan to its Simon Skjodt International Orangutan Center. This makes it 12 official primates that live at the zoo. The baby was born at 2:30 p.m. on Feb.
said the study was important to obtain the latest number of the orang utan population. The study would begin soon to obtain facts related to the activities and locations, among others, of the ...