John and Lisa devour delicious potato dosa at a local market, get stunned by huge stingrays on beautiful Hamelin Bay, and are left spellbound by a tasty native oyster with a Japanese twist.
GUIYANG, Feb. 19 (Xinhua) -- In the remote mountains of Guizhou, a landlocked province in southwest China where tradition runs as deep as its valleys, locals are transforming agricultural products int ...
尽管The Sweet Potato在Junction的门店深受顾客喜爱,但Leaside分店自开业以来面临诸多挑战。创始人Dorfman在接受采访时透露—— 供应链短缺、通货膨胀和经济下滑成为门店经营的主要阻碍。
近年来,东乡镇积极响应国家关于农业产业结构调整的政策号召,因地制宜地引导农民利用冬闲田种植马铃薯,盘活土地资源,提高农业效益,让农民的“钱袋子”鼓起来。眼下,560多亩马铃薯长势喜人,部分早播地块更是已经抢先上市,让当地种植户挖到了新年里的“第一桶金 ...