Amid the torrent of products announced earlier in January at the Consumer Electronics Show, like giant televisions and absurdly expensive GPUs, it's easy to miss less fun but potentially life-changing ...
in dim light your peripheral vision is better than your central vision, or what you’re looking at directly. This is because of where certain photoreceptors are located on your retina (back of ...
Specifically, Eylea is used to treat the following in adults wet age-related macular degeneration (AMD) macular edema caused by a blockage in the retinal vein diabetic retinopathy diabetic macular ...
Exclusion criteria for the experimental subjects were as follows: a history of diabetes mellitus before pregnancy or diabetic nephropathy, hypertension (140/90 mmHg), autoimmune diseases, obesity, ...
In the LIGHTHOUSE study, Atsena Therapeutics is evaluating ATSN-201 gene therapy for X-linked retinoschisis, leveraging AAV.SPR capsid for central retina transduction without foveal detachment risks.