Jesus only loses his cool a handful of times in the New Testament (just ask the moneychangers in the Temple), but he unleashes one of his fiercest tirades in Matthew 23 against the Pharisees and ...
You see, most of the outcasts of society knew they were sinners, but not so with the Pharisees who wrongly assumed they were models of righteousness. In reality, their hearts were a total mess!
We know instead about other groups or schools or movements or parties.... The most conspicuous of these parties or schools will be the Pharisees. The Pharisees are known to everybody from the New ...
“The Pharisees and their scribes complained to his disciples, saying, ‘Why do you eat and drink with tax collectors and ...
These communities were led by Pharisees, rabbis who assumed leadership of the Jewish people in the aftermath of the destruction of Jerusalem. Matthew is at pains to place his community squarely ...
The teaching of the Pharisees was that only if someone’s life was in danger was it permitted to give medical assistance on the Sabbath. Jesus taught that the right thing to do is to help someone ...