As of Feb. 23, the state has harvested more than 43,000 pounds of perch, exceeding its share of the harvest of 36,500 pounds.
There is no doubt that Minnesota’s perch fishing is below average when compared with that of some other states.
DOOR COUNTY - There's more than just perch, walleye, whitefish and shrimp to be had at a Door County Friday night fish fry.
"Unfortunately, the perch didn’t get the memo, and after a couple of hours on the water, we had only managed a few missed takes and two tiny pike to show for our efforts," he added. Beginning to ...
Starting March 11, the daily and possession limit for yellow perch on Mille Lacs Lake will be reduced from 20 to five. This ...
DOOR COUNTY - There's more than just perch, walleye, whitefish and shrimp to be had at a Door County Friday night fish fry. You also can dine on fried grouper. Or pike. Or bluegill. Or frog legs ...