In  a  paper  published  on  aBIOTECH,  the  authors  revealed  the  joint  regulation  of  chromatin structure and gene expression by BMI1s, the core components of Arabidopsis PRC1, and the condensin ...
These useful findings assigned a novel functional implication of histone acylation, crotonylation. Although the mechanistic insights have been provided in great detail regarding the role of the YEATS2 ...
This valuable work presents how PRDM16 plays a critical role during colloid plexus development, through regulating BMP signaling. Solid evidence supports the context-dependent gene regulatory ...
The Mediterranean diet is so nourishing, following it may even extend the length and improve the quality of your life.
The project, led by the Catalan company Linkcare, aims to launch an innovative solution that can improve early screening of ...