【本文由小黑盒作者@散人浪子于01月30日发布,转载请标明出处!】 PUBG在公告里说过,计划加入创意工坊和升级虚幻5,其实看出PUBG很想重现PUBG巅峰热度。 那么PUBG下一步应该怎么做,散人今天就来谈谈自己的理解 1.
【本文由小黑盒作者@風淸楊于01月22日发布,未经许可不得转载!】 PUBG越南官方账号发布了2025年赛程展望,文中明确全程是FPP模式比赛,玩家所担心的TPP模式比赛将不会在今年出现。
现在,我们正在进一步缩小游戏玩法与体验之间的差距。2025年,我们自豪地推出官方第三人称赛事——PPT全民巡回赛(PUBG Players’ Tour,PPT)。这一新赛制为传统上以FPP为主的电竞提供了另一种选择,旨在为PUBG电竞粉丝、生态社区和游戏玩家带来同样精彩的体验。
现在,我们正在进一步缩小游戏玩法与体验之间的差距。2025年,我们自豪地推出官方第三人称赛事——PPT全民巡回赛(PUBG Players’ Tour,PPT)。这一新赛制为传统上以FPP为主的电竞提供了另一种选择,旨在为PUBG电竞粉丝、生态社区和游戏玩家带来同样精彩的体验。
If you do not want to play the survival game PUBG Mobile with the default shooting mode (TPP), you can switch to the first-person shooting mode (FPP) to experience the game in a different way. Still ...
PUBG Mobile has amassed millions of gamers worldwide owing to its thrilling TPP-FPP survival shooter gameplay. The game sees 50 players land on an abandoned island, as they attempt to outlast each ...
PUBG update 33.2 introduces Spring Fest 2025 with Greek Mythology-themed rewards, the return of the Loot Truck, and a new Gunplay Labs mode. Sanhok map changes include the Recall system for custom ...
The success of PUBG and Fortnite spawned an entire industry of battle royale games, some of which came with interesting new ideas, but far more blatantly attempting to copy the successful formula of ...
We can actively choose to confront or hide in our own way. In PUBG Mobile, the thing that makes each player's success is a silent element, if you know the gentle hiding does not make a sound you can ...