Think your core is strong? Research shows that holding a side plank for this long puts you in the top 10% of strength. Find ...
I had abandoned my transverse abdominis (TA or TVA). Unlike the rectus abdominis (those six-pack abs we typically think of in the core), the TA muscles support the spine and the way we hold our ...
Many people fixate on achieving that coveted flat stomach, often resorting to hundreds of repetitive crunches in hopes of sculpting their midsection. However, ...
Get hip to these simple movements that stretch and strengthen the hip flexors. Dr. Andy Fata-Chan, a New York-based physical therapist and fitness coach at Moment Physical Therapy ...
There are several risk factors that contribute to this disease. Objective Rectus femoris and iliopsoas contracture is a specific risk factor for the development of OSD in high performance youth ...
The movements were videotaped and digitised using a motion analysis system. Electromyographic activities of the lumbar erector spinae, rectus femoris, medial hamstrings, and medial head of ...