Michael RP. Treatment of a case of compulsive swearing ... Am J Psychiatry 1963;120:283-4. 32. Chapel JL, Brown N, Jenkins RL. Tourette's disease: symptomatic relief with haloperidol. Am J Psychiatry ...
FESTO DFPD-40-RP-90-RD-F0507气动执行器适用于旋转阀门的双活塞齿轮齿条式结构,啮合,效率高,输出扭矩稳定(0-8000N.m)。缸体材质为铝合金或不锈钢。气动执行器底部轴装配孔符合ISO5211标准,气源孔、输出轴的顶部和顶部的安装孔符合 NAMUR 标准,相同规格有双 ...
许多小伙伴说,申请留学的过程中有很多英文缩写看到懵圈,PS、CV、AD、RD、RL.....到底什么意思?一起来看看这篇留学申请高频“黑话”解读~ 申请的一种,直接插班读英国本科的最后一年。国际学生通过攻读英国大学本科最后一年(Final Year)即可取得英国 ...
Brex takes a look at the eight most common accounting errors that businesses frequently encounter and provides practical solutions to fix and avoid them. 8 accounting errors to watch out for and how ...
Mechanical force is critical for the interaction between an αβ T cell receptor (TCR) and a peptide-bound major histocompatibility complex (pMHC) molecule to initiate productive T-cell activation.
Background: To explore the surgical outcomes between patients with perforated and non-perforated neonatal necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC) and identify indications for surgical intervention. Methods: ...
Insects adapt their response to stimuli, such as odours, according to their pairing with positive or negative reinforcements, such as sugar or shock. Recent electrophysiological and imaging findings ...
Background: The prognosis of patients with post-operative recurrent intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma (ICC) is at great variance. We aimed to propose a novel efficient prognostic nomogram in ...
Although no comparable detailed quantification studies have been performed to assess the precise extent of neonatal heart regeneration, a recent report by the Lee group demonstrated that a larger ...
Many evidenced-based strategies exist to improve adherence to medication and lifestyle changes to reduce transient ischemic attack and stroke risk. Furie KL, Kasner SE, Adams RJ, Albers GW, Bush RL, ...