The Minister of Home Affairs, Leon Schreiber, has welcomed the latest Henley Passport Index, which shows that South Africa’s “green mamba” passport ranking increased by 10% between 2024 and 2025. As a ...
The tender for the five million e-passports, awarded to Thales DIS Finland OY and its Sri Lankan partner, Just In Time (JIT) Technologies (Pvt) Ltd, is being challenged by the losing bidder Epic ...
If you unfortunately find yourself in this situation, you might be wondering what the quickest way to replace one is. When renewing your passport you'll need a new photo even if your appearance ...
Making sure your passport is in date and has enough validity on it depending on what country you are travelling to is one of the most important things to check before heading to an airport. The last ...
is the periodic change of the elements that compose them, including their design, thus making possible attempts at forgery more difficult”. “In the most recent passports, it has been a widespread ...