Banner with Roman-themed logo reads "Third Term Project," featuring a bust and text "For Trump 2028 ...And Beyond!" well as an image of Trump that appears to be inspired by Julius Caesar. You ...
This Roman bust shows an older, bearded man facing front with both arms folded across his chest, both fists clenched and with middle fingers extended. The extended fingers were intended to warn ...
painted terracotta with integrally cast plaster socles, three (Emperors Antoninus Pius, Trebonianus Gallus and Otho) with original terracotta-tinted plaster socles ...
"I looked at the bust carefully. It is not Cleopatra at all; it is Roman," Hawass told Live Science in an email. During the Ptolemaic dynasty, pharaohs were portrayed with Egyptian, not Roman ...
62 BC – 14 AD / Reigned 31 BC – 14 AD) had to fight for his throne. His long rule saw a huge expansion in the Roman Empire and the beginnings of a dynasty that, over the next century ...
A superb general and politician, Julius Caesar (c.100 BC – 44 BC / Reigned 46 – 44 BC) changed the course of Roman history. Although he did not rule for long, he gave Rome fresh hope and a ...