How much do you know about the animal kingdom? Test your knowledge with our animal trivia questions and answers.
For the first time, private landowners have agreed to work with conservationists in Santa Rosa County to help save an endangered salamander.
I remember the moment like it was yesterday. My students and I were sampling a pond in the Upper Cut, which is part of a ...
If we can hear one thing that the salamanders are telling us, it’s that climate change is real. They know it is, and they ...
Uniquely among amphibians, male Darwin’s frogs carry their tiny tadpoles inside their vocal sacs to protect them until they metamorphose into froglets. The dad then spits out a succession of ...
ALL accounts of the metamorphosis of the common frog leave it to be tacitly inferred that when the front legs make their way through the operculum branchial respiration ceases, and that ...
Southern Darwin's frog tadpoles grow up inside the vocal sacs of their fathers and are 'born' through their mouths as froglets. The brooding dads made an incredible 7,000-mile journey by boat ...
The 33 froglets were carried and brooded by 11 of the male frogs, who carry the tadpoles in their vocal sacs until they are ready. A film titled A Leap of Hope will premiere on Monday, showcasing what ...
Still frame image showing the hindfoot of a live Wandering Salamander (Aneides vagrans) from a ventral perspective just before the salamander takes a step forward. This image shows the large digital ...
Small salamanders know how to get places. The amphibians are known for gliding through forest trees - making it look like they're skydiving. But how they stick their take-offs and landings has ...