A 12-year-old elementary school girl in Tokyo took her own life in November after being bullied by her classmates through the chat function on tablet computers distributed by her school ...
(a) Evie’s school has already introduced tablets in lessons. (b) Evie thinks primary schools should introduce tablets in lessons. (c) Evie would like to see tablets introduced in her school.
Providing every student with a school-issued device has become commonplace in K-12 schools, but it's costly to maintain.
Nothing's perfect. In creating my map of the 120+ back-to-school iPad and tablet deployments this fall, I learned a few things about what can cause trouble for schools and students. These are good ...
Here we're going to look at the tablet versus laptop debate for school, college, or university. Both gadgets are suitable for study, but there are certain key reasons why you might want to invest ...
The school provided the devices about a year ago. But even before that, the daughter had a habit of browsing videos on the internet on her personal tablet. The mother installed a restriction of ...
The audit now reveals that out of the 1.078 million tablets reportedly distributed to public primary schools by the government, only 835,981 can be accounted for. This means that some 242,053 ...
Shillong: Class XI pupils from the academic year 2023-24 gathered at the U Soso Tham Auditorium, State Central Library premises here today to receive .
Class one pupil from Getembe Primary school in Kisii town smiles large on day one after she learned a few basics on how to use a government provided tablet on May 12,2016. The national ...