The whales, which have distinctively long tusks, were filmed in the Arctic chasing a fish in what seemed like a ...
Videos show narwhals using their tusks in several ways, including prodding and flipping a fish. It’s the first reported evidence of the whales playing.
The narwhal, often referred to as the “unicorn of the sea” in a nod to its trademark tusk, has long remained an enigma. Scientists have observed few interactions of narwhals in their natural habitat, ...
Researchers observed a number of surprising behaviors by the ivory-sporting whales during an expedition with drones in the Canadian High Arctic.
A new study from Florida Atlantic University is shedding light on the narwhals’ many explorations, the way they use their ...
The underwater behaviour of the secretive narwhal has been almost impossible to study until now — but drone technology means ...
The narwhal, often referred to as the “unicorn of the sea” in a nod to its trademark tusk, has long remained an enigma. Scientists have observed few interactions of narwhals in their natural ...