It therefore became de rigueur for Jews to refer to themselves with the appellation “Shomer Shabbat ... The view of HaRav David Hoffman, rosh yeshiva of the Hildesheimer Yeshiva in 19 ...
Details for the Boys’ Division CGI Toronto Boys’ Division offers a one-month session from July 30/ 5 Av to August 25/ Rosh Chodesh Elul, welcoming campers currently in grades 3 through 7. The program ...
and the observance of Shabbat and Rosh Chodesh, the New Moon. What do these things share in common, and why did they specifically draw the ire of the enemy? In this week's Jerusalem Lights podcast ...
When is the “New Year” celebrated in Israel? According to several polls asking Israelis which “New Year” they celebrated – “Rosh Hashanah” or “December 31” – the overwhelming ...
100th Street. She is considered the primary force behind the contemporary adoption of Rosh Chodesh, the festival of the new moon, as a women’s ritual. The new moon festival is part of ...
Eager to remain rooted in a world that was familiar, observing Shabbat became my way to recreate home. I think about this change every year at Rosh Hashanah, an opportunity to begin our lives anew.