He also stresses the importance of asking these two questions before writing anything: “Why should I write this, and why would readers care?” “If you can’t answer these questions ...
These technologies were traditionally limited to tasks that were clearly laid out with guidelines. However, they are now capable of carrying out creative tasks like writing. There are many options ...
Rabbi Dov Lando, head of the Slabodka Yeshiva and a leader of the Lithuanian-haredi community, sent a message to other yeshiva deans to emphasize the importance of Torah learning in protecting the ...
This week I wrote a prayer, a special version of the “Al Hanisim” for Hanukkah 2024. I will recite this prayer every night. I will light the traditional Hanukkah candles, and I will add a ...
On Hanukkah 1932, just prior to the elections that would bring Hitler to power, Rachel Posner, wife of Rabbi Dr. Akiva Posner, took this photo of the family’s Hanukkah menorah from the window ...
Language, writing and literature shape our world and our experiences in remarkable ways. These forces converge within the field of creative writing, allowing us to push the boundaries of language ...
A delegation of Syrian Jewish businessmen will be returning a Torah Scroll to Syria, which was previously salvaged from the country, according to a Jewish News report on Monday, citing Moti Kahana ...
The Chatam Sofer’s unwavering adherence to Torah principles and his trust in God turned an impossible situation into a miraculous salvation. Rabbi Pinto concludes with a powerful lesson ...
Since our founding in 1979, we've set out to bridge the worlds of academia and policy through outstanding writing and editorial selection. The quality of our content is unparalleled. Each issue of the ...
“Tucson Mezuzah Week’ is the first community-wide opportunity, offered by Congregation Chofetz Chayim and the Southwest Torah Institute, to have every Jewish home in Tucson ... Congregation Chofetz ...
Perhaps this wasn’t on your packing list, but my husband, a lawyer by day, also trained as a sofer, or Jewish ritual scribe. In his spare time he is writing a Torah. So on that November morning ...