If you missed your chance earlier this week to see the Northern Lights, the geomagnetic storm continues on Wednesday to ...
Auroras are possible over the U.S. tonight (March 25) as a "moderate" geomagnetic storm hits Earth. UPDATE: The Northern ...
Solar Storm Could Trigger Northern Lights as Far ... is described as "severe," the second strongest magnitude on the scale (just below G5: "extreme"). The scale also details the possible effects ...
When AR3664 was facing the Earth earlier this month, it generated a solar storm with a G5 rating — the highest level on the geomagnetic storm scale. Now, as the sun cluster turns toward us again ...
A large-scale solar storm could plunge millions into darkness, disrupt water supplies that depend on electric pumps, and halt transportation systems dependent on electricity. Satellites are ...
The Northern Lights may be putting on an encore performance Saturday night after putting on a minor show Friday night, only ...
A coronal mass ejection (CME) from a powerful solar blast on March 1 is racing ... NOAA classifies geomagnetic storms using a G-scale, which ranks their intensity from G1 (minor) to G5 (extreme).
It's been an active period for solar storms, as the Aurora Borealis has already shown as far south as New York in recent days ...