What is Soybean yield per acre? How much does it cost to produce an acre of soybean? Discover more about soybean farming's ...
But, while plants and nodes per acre are important, they are less significant than with corn because soybeans quickly adjust growing factors to their environment.” 2. Plant the Right Population ...
Yield potential is maintained with high populations since there are more plants per acre. Soybean populations that are too high also undergo a natural thinning process due to the intense competition ...
USDA’s Economic Research Service (ERS) recently compiled a report that averaged the soybean operating costs per acre. It does not include the price of cash rent/land payments or other fixed ...
Extension educator in crops University of Minnesota Extension Following the trend of most agricultural inputs, soybean seed costs have tracked upward as well. In the quest to reduce input costs, ...
University of Minnesota Extension As commodity prices have risen to record levels, input costs have continued to track upward. While it is essential that producers focus on maximizing yields, ...
3. Desired population. Table 2 on the back gives Purdue plants-per-acre recommendations for public soybean varieties planted at various row widths. Consult your seed dealer regarding recommended ...
Study shows that a higher seeding rate of cover crops often provides no benefit and adds costs in soybean fields.