Yield potential is maintained with high populations since there are more plants per acre. Soybean populations that are too high also undergo a natural thinning process due to the intense competition ...
Extension educator in crops University of Minnesota Extension Following the trend of most agricultural inputs, soybean seed costs have tracked upward as well. In the quest to reduce input costs, ...
University of Minnesota Extension As commodity prices have risen to record levels, input costs have continued to track upward. While it is essential that producers focus on maximizing yields, ...
Soybean yield per acre varies at the national and state levels ... Agribusiness entrepreneurs looking to plant the most profitable crops per acre are advised to start small.
seed requirements per acre and for the field, and the amount of time it will take to plant the field,” Nafziger said. “While we developed the calculator for soybean, it works for corn or small ...
3. Desired population. Table 2 on the back gives Purdue plants-per-acre recommendations for public soybean varieties planted at various row widths. Consult your seed dealer regarding recommended ...
“Higher population is not where yield comes from with early planting,” Ferrie says. “It comes from putting on more pods per acre — in essence, more beans per acre.” Maturity Soybean ...