It’s another year of high-profile animated sequels, led by Disney’s “Zootopia 2,” DreamWorks’ “The Bad Guys 2,” and ...
The Shelbys aren’t going anywhere any time soon. Peaky Blinders creator Steven Knight recently teased to the U.K.’s Times Radio that there could be additional projects beyond the film slated ...
With that context, though, Lawrence defers to co-creator Jason Sudeikis as he teases what to expect from season four: I don’t want to speak for him, but it’d be interesting to see that there ...
There were also several SpongeBob-sponsored cars — one of them ended up spinning through the infield and coming to a stop in the middle of the SpongeBob logo. Yes, it was SpongeBob overload.
YouTuber Zara Dar, a former advocate for women in science and technology, has quit her PhD pursuit to become an OnlyFans model. In a YouTube video titled "PhD dropout to OnlyFans model," Ms Dar ...
Honey is a popular browser extension owned by PayPal that’s at the center of a big new controversy. As a new investigative video outlines, the extension that’s meant to save users money not ...
Bleeding Cool gets the word about a number of plans coming from Marvel Comics for next year, courtesy of next week's Timeslide comic book. And we may have a few articles as a result. And a Marvel ...
The author shares, “Thank you all for reading Jujutsu Kaisen. It’s thanks to your support that I was able to make it to the end of this marathon..” He also talks about the anime, “For ...
Here's everything to know about Slater. Slater is an actor who rose to fame playing Spongebob on Broadway For his star turn as the plucky yellow sponge in the 2017 musical adaptation of "Spongebob ...