Onion skins shouldn't just go straight in the trash or compost bin—they can deepen the color and flavor of stocks and broths.
The project is expected to be completed sometime in 2026. Construction is expected to begin this year on a city-owned ...
The University does bale and sell cardboard directly to paper mills, Environmental Services Director Bill Nelligan wrote to ...
You can now put meat, dairy and grain products along with any other food into your compost bin. The City of Boise is ...
The town’s waste management and recycling supervisor recommended the town stop paying for commercial trash disposal and ...
The United States is nowhere near its goal of cutting food waste in half by 2030, according to new analysis from the ...
A statewide plan to reduce household waste has divided councils and residents, with some saying the strategy is turning ...
If you want to keep your garbage disposal in top condition and avoid clogs, damages, and expensive repairs, never put these ...
The volume of trash hauled out of this city during the Yuletide season went down by 50 metric tons in December last year, following the city’s adoption of a “circular economy,” ...
One public elementary school in Burbank, Bret Harte, has become a testing ground for an innovative on-site food waste reduction initiative.
A consultant’s report released Friday shows the city could raise some trash bills up to 144% by 2026. The fees would help pay ...
Where do pizza boxes go? What exactly is rigid plastic? How clean do empty jars need to be? Relax, experts say.