Scientists researching Alpine glaciers store ice in Antarctica. By analysing air bubbles in the ice they may be able to predict the future ...
The Canadian Chamber of Commerce said that with 25-percent tariffs and full retaliation, Canada's real GDP would decline by 2 ...
初冬到春末,如果你到南方的一些菜市场转转,会发现有一种蔬菜特别鲜嫩,绿油油的,十分诱人,它就是西洋菜。北方人可能第一次听过这种菜,不过,它在国际上可是大放光彩,多次被欧美国家推崇为营养丰富的优质蔬菜。 西洋菜,中文的学名是豆瓣菜,水田芥、水芥菜、水蔊菜等也是其别名。它并不是我国本土蔬菜,在 19 世纪时,由欧洲人传入我国,所以这种菜就被称为“西洋菜”。 西洋菜属于十字花科豆瓣菜属中的一种多年生水生 ...
China's Shenzhou-16 crew have a "garden of vegetables in space. "The plants that grow in the garden are watered in the ...