Boreal owls were in such abundance that eBird began hiding some data of their sightings in the state to shield them.
The U of M Raptor Center says an "irruption" is occurring this winter in the state, meaning non-migratory birds are flying ...
Barn owls are a natural predator to gophers, mice, rats and voles. The Owl Box Company has been helping farmers with nesting ...
Winter is more than halfway over, and we've definitely had our share of cold weather, but so far this season, the Twin Cities ...
The University of Minnesota's Raptor Center said this week ... "Boreals and great greys rely on the red-backed vole and other rodents for their sustenance. When there is a decline in rodents ...
This is the largest owl irruption in Minnesota in two decades. “We call it the invasion of the vole snatchers,” said Sparky Stensaas, executive director of Friends of Sax-Zim Bog, where many ...
Voles look like the invention of a children's book illustrator who has been asked to draw a mouse as a portly, jolly gentleman. Mice are cute, but voles are well on their way to being adorable. Yet ...
One of the nation’s largest schools, the University of Minnesota offers baccalaureate, master’s, and doctoral degrees in virtually every field—from medicine to business, law to liberal arts ...