Tensions rose when police officers attempted to remove one of the protesters from the group. The remaining demonstrators stood their ground, blocking the officers and declaring, “Hakuna mwenye ...
Chaos unfolded in Nairobi's CBD as police dispersed protesters demanding answers on rising alleged police abductions Organised by youth groups and human rights defenders, the demonstrations sparked a ...
Police headquarters told those on the ground including regions to monitor the situation and make decisions on how they will handle the protests. Insiders said there was a general agreement not to ...
In the aftermath of the demos, which were curtailed by police by 4pm, Senator Okiya Omtatah and 10 others were arrested in Nairobi. They were taken to Central Police Station, but Mr Omtatah was later ...
DoubleWe's demo doesn't explain the nature of these clones, but the menu screen makes it clear they are several steps left of human. In any case, you want to be the one who spies them first (and ...
Last month’s release of the Halo 2 E3 2003 demo was the result of this project. The leak seems to originate from the collaboration with Digsite, although a member of the mod team has come ...