留子们可谓是新晋互联网神秘群体,在这个赛季,留子做饭、留子看病、留子回国……留子们就像那个旅行青蛙随时给我们带来新的热梗。 最近「留子口误」再一次开辟了新赛道,让人狠狠发笑。
学习是最美的遇见,成长是最美的风景。教研活动是老师最好的成长平台之一。为了进一步提高教师的专业素养和教学能力,2月26日上午,赤岗山小学在三年级(2)班开展了一场生动活泼的英语公开课展示活动。青年教师谢淳老师以人教版三年级下册《U1B - Let's talk》为课题,通过"情境浸润"的创新模式,带领学生在真实交际中掌握核心句型,呈现了一堂兼具趣味性与实效性的示范课。
Each contestant at the WorldSkills Competition in Lyon carries their own story and expectations. Mavis, participating in Visual Merchandising, will select a prop from a mysterious place for her design ...
Wing Lee Wai Wines Ltd., founded in Guangzhou in 1876, Wing Lee Wai relocated to Sheung Wan, Hong Kong in 1905. It mainly deals in Chinese wines such as Siberian ginseng wine and rose wine. Mr Ching, ...